Be ready to bowl when the pins are set. Do not bowl until the pinsetting machine has completed its cycle and the sweepbar is raised, otherwise you may damage the ball or machine.
Do not use another player’s ball without their permission.
Do not take too long to aim or get set up when you are on the approach.
Stay on your approach while delivering the ball. Return to the settee area after making each delivery.
Observe one lane courtesy. The bowler on the right should bowl if both reach the approach at the same time. Stay off the approach while you wait.
Good bowling requires concentration. Bowlers should always keep in mind when others are preparing to bowl, excessive movement or noise could be distracting. When a player is ready to bowl, give them the courtesy of making their shot without interference, as you will want the same courtesy when it is your turn.
Excessive "lofting" hurts your game and damages the lane.
Refrain from using abusive language or obscene gestures.
Play the game to win, but be a gracious loser.
Remember, good sportsmanship is always the key to a successful game.