This tournament is open to all bowlers who have rolled a 300 game, 800 series and/or an 11-in-a-Row and are members of the Central Ohio – USBC.
The entry fee is $70* and entries will be limited to the 1st 100 who register and pay the full fee. A waiting list will be maintained if needed. If the field of 100 is not full by the close of business on Friday, May 17, walk-ins will be accepted until 8:30 AM.
Check-in begins @ 7:45 AM.
Announcements, national anthem, and pledge of allegiance @ 8:35 AM.
Practice @ 8:45 AM
Tournament begins @ 9:00 AM.
Bowlers will bowl 4 games, moving 3 pairs to the right after each game.
The field will be cut to the top 16 bowlers.
All scores from qualifying will be dropped.
Top 16 will bowl bracket-style matchplay
1st round – 2 games – highest pin total advances
Subsequent rounds will be one game each round until winner
Special prizes for the Top Kat and Old Dawg will be given in addition to the Top Dawg award.
Bowler with most pins over average will win the Better Than Average Dawg award. 22-23 book average will be used.
The tournament will be certified with the United States Bowling Congress and all USBC rules will be observed.
Lane condition will be the “Dawg” House Shot. Brackets will be available for Games 1-4.
*Make checks payable to: CO-USBC and mail to 643 S. Hamilton Rd, Columbus, OH 43213